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Texas VFW Department State Commander's Office Renovated
The Department of Texas Veterans of Foreign Wars recently completed renovations of the State Commanders office at the State Headquarters...

Texas VFW Golf Tournament
The Texas VFW is hosting a golf tournament to raise funds for our state operations and to provide a fun competition between Texas VFW...

We want YOU to join the VFW!
We understand the unique bond you share with other veterans of overseas conflicts because we, too, have been there. Since 1899, the VFW...

Obituary for Geraldine Flanagan
Geraldine Flanagan 1927-2017 Geraldine (Reynolds) Flanagan, 89, passed away in Houston on Wednesday, March 29, 2017. Geraldine retired...

Flag Retirement Ceremony Honors Military Veterans
On Saturday, dozens of men, women, and children holding tattered and torn American flags lined up outside VFW Post 8790 in Spring Branch....

Veterans Ride: Rural Transportation Program Gets New Look
The Texas Veterans Commission awarded handicap accessible vans to seven highly rural counties in Texas to provide veterans with...
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